Saidia Tafadhali Foundation
The Amaya Light of Life Primary School
- 6 classrooms with desks have been added with funding from the Michelle Chiou Foundation
- ceilings added to the classrooms to control heat and coolness
- a latrine for the kindergarten students
- 5 teacher houses with solar lights and a toilet and shower in a fenced, lighted compound
- wells at the primary and high schools and another well in community and a 4th at remote area
- spigots for water access at the school and the school kitchen
- large water tank for storage at the primary school
- a dining hall with tables
- uniforms and shoes for ALL students in the school
- brushes and shoe polish for each student
- a large, fenced shamba (garden) with irrigation
- swings, sliding board and seesaw
- soccer balls and volley balls and nets
- large screen tv in dining hall to watch government educational classes and news
- 6 refurbished HP computers in a computer lab to begin our computer education class
- photocopier to print exams...teachers had to read exam questions or write on blackboard
- solar panels and inverters to power tv, computers, photocopier
- generator for power backup
- textbooks to supplement those provided by government
Future Projects
- Continued assistance with uniforms and shoes
- Scholarships for needy students
- Shelters for students in remote areas who presently sit on rocks under trees for school
- Playground and athletic equipment for school shelters
Amaya High School
- Well for high school water
- Solar lights for classrooms
- Teacher housing fenced compound with 8 individual furnished houses
- Photocopier with generator for power
- Scholarships for needy students to attend high school,
- Solar panel and lights for new high school classroom,
- Solar lights for high school teacher housing
- Solar lights for high school boys' dorm to be built by govt
- Maize feeding program until gardens complete
- Garden machetes, hoes and water can
Where we have come from since 2018 and where we are headed: